Comedian Kris Shaw Open Bar Comedy

Bask in the glow of the positive comedic energy of

Kris Shaw.

Watch ‘Herb and Legend on Open Bar Comedy

From the burbs of Indianapolis comes a storyteller who takes you on a journey from childhood to fatherhood. With quick bursts of wit and carefully crafted silences, he keeps the audience engaged through everyday observations and tough topics alike. His slightly askew but lovable style disarms and charms from the first set-up to the final punch line.

Get to Know Kris

With his likeable stage persona and cool style, Kris Shaw is a fan favorite who tours comedy clubs, colleges and events all across the United States and Canada. He has entertained troops in Iraq, Kuwait, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia and Africa. Kris also appears in national television commercials and had a recurring extra role on the CBS drama Close To Home. A regular on the Las Vegas Strip, catch Kris on tour or in Sin City!

Support Kris’ Comedy

Watch his Open Bar Comedy Special!

Click here to watch Kris’ special.

Follow him on social media

You can follow Kris on Instagram.

See him perform in person

Check Kris’ website,, for this information!


Julie Scoggins


Kira Soltanovich